ComparisonScaling Software Development - ZeroBlockers vs Kanban: Which product development framework is better for you?

There is no one-size-fits-all framework for software development. Each framework covers different parts of the process in different ways. We have compiled an overview of the key features and approaches of the Kanban framework and ZeroBlockers to help you select the best framework for you.

ZeroBlockers vs Kanban: Overview

ScrollIdea GenerationIdea EvaluationBusiness Case CreationBusiness Case ApprovalPlanAnalyseDesignDevelopTestRelease

Feature comparison


Effective products with empowered autonomous teams



The core way of working.

Discover opportunities, design and evaluate solutions, then deliver in very small iterations.

How teams prepare for the work to be done.

Team conducts research, identifies opportunities, devises experiments and runs short experiments to evaluate solutions.

How teams deliver on their plans.

The team work cross-functionally together on all tasks, using a very small WIP to avoid context switching.

How teams ensure quality.

Guidelines for continuous automated unit and integration testing.


A lean method of managing and improving work emphasizing continuous delivery.



The core way of working.

Visualise work and limit work-in-progress to prevent overburdening and identify bottlenecks.

How teams prepare for the work to be done.

Ad-hoc, pull-based planning. When work moves into the In Progress column this triggers planning for new work to be added to the To-Do column.

How teams deliver on their plans.

Teams pull work when they have capacity. No explicit alignment events.

How teams ensure quality.

Encourages continuous automated unit and integration testing.

Core Differences



The core way of working.

From idea to satisfied customers
from solution to working software.

How teams prepare for the work to be done.

Planning end-to-end
planning delivery.

How teams deliver on their plans.

Continuous synchronisation
ad-hoc synchronisation.

How teams ensure quality.

Guidelines to help implementation
implementation left to the teams.

There are a lot of similarities between the frameworks. They both visualise work, limit work-in-progress, and focus on continuous improvement. However, there are also some key differences.

Kanban focuses on the delivery of a defined solution while ZeroBlockers starts earlier in the process, focusing on the discovery to identify the best opportunities, design to evaluate solutions and then the delivery of the solution.

ZeroBlockers vs Kanban: Approach

Feature comparison


Effective products with empowered autonomous teams


Lead Time

The time from when you identify an opportunity until the software is in place.

Lead time as a core metric coupled with strategies on how to break up requirements into releasable iterations.
Controlling complexity

Complexity and dependencies increase as companies scale.

Dependencies and blockers need to be removed as they always slow down delivery.
Reducing Code Conflicts

Code merge conflicts increase as more teams operate on the same code base.

Each Stream team has a completely independent code base so code merge conflicts do not occur.


A lean method of managing and improving work emphasizing continuous delivery.


Lead Time

The time from when you identify an opportunity until the software is in place.

Limiting work-in-progress and eliminating bottlenecks reduces lead time.
Controlling complexity

Complexity and dependencies increase as companies scale.

Kanban focuses on a single team rather than the dependencies between teams.
Reducing Code Conflicts

Code merge conflicts increase as more teams operate on the same code base.

Kanban does not have any opinions on merge conflicts.

Core Differences


Lead Time

The time from when you identify an opportunity until the software is in place.

Strategies for breaking features into releasable iterations
leaving it up to the teams.
Controlling complexity

Complexity and dependencies increase as companies scale.

Strategies for removing dependencies
teams may raise blockers in retrospectives but no guidance on how to remove them.
Reducing Code Conflicts

Code merge conflicts increase as more teams operate on the same code base.

Strategies for removing code conflicts
teams may raise blockers in retrospectives but no guidance on how to remove them.

While Kanban advocates for limiting work-in-progress it doesn't give teams any strategies for breaking up solutions. Releasing software has a cost involved, and since it isn't a core metric that teams are tracked on, it encourages teams to do demos instead of actually releasing a working increment. If you don't need to release it is more efficient to break features into separate technical component pieces. This is more efficient per component, and it enables a demo but the system can't run until every component is done.

In contrast, ZeroBlockers forces teams to release early and often by making it a core metric. The framework gives teams strategies for breaking down solutions into working iterations so that teams can achieve very short lead times and get the critical feedback required to improve their products.

The other core difference regarding efficiency is that Kanban focuses on how a single team operates but often the biggest challenges are how teams work together. As companies scale the number of dependencies between teams increases and this slows down delivery. ZeroBlockers focuses on removing these dependencies.

Feature comparison


Effective products with empowered autonomous teams


Solution Autonomy

Layers of sign off for solutions prevent teams from iterating quickly based on customer feedback.

Teams decide on what features to build based on customer research and business objectives.
Solution Validation

Most features fail to deliver the expected business outcomes. How can teams adapt as they deliver?

Teams identify the assumptions behind their solutions and devise experiments to validate them before committing to building the feature.

What are the key KPIs that teams are measured on?

Accountable for outcomes: The achievement of the Product Objectives.


A lean method of managing and improving work emphasizing continuous delivery.


Solution Autonomy

Layers of sign off for solutions prevent teams from iterating quickly based on customer feedback.

The backlog is prioritised by the PO. Teams have autonomy on how to deliver but not what to deliver.
Solution Validation

Most features fail to deliver the expected business outcomes. How can teams adapt as they deliver?

Periodic stakeholder review meetings to validate output.

What are the key KPIs that teams are measured on?

Accountable for outputs. The delivery of the approved features.

Core Differences


Solution Autonomy

Layers of sign off for solutions prevent teams from iterating quickly based on customer feedback.

Empowered teams
feature delivery teams.
Solution Validation

Most features fail to deliver the expected business outcomes. How can teams adapt as they deliver?

Solutions validated by customers
solutions verified by stakeholders.

What are the key KPIs that teams are measured on?

Measuring outcomes (impact of work)
measuring outputs (work done).

Kanban doesn't explicitly define that there is a PO role but this is a common implementation as Kanban often evolves from SCrum as teams realise that they can be more efficient moving from defined sprints to continuous delivery. This means that there are still the same challenges such as a separation between the business and IT. The business are the stakeholders who define the features to be built in a business case. The PO then prioritises the order of delivery of the signed off features and business stakeholders confirm their acceptance during the demos.

ZeroBlockers takes a completely different approach because the core principle is that you cannot know how customers will react to new features until they have them in their hands. It is not fair to ask a business person to specify the outcome of a feature because we don't know. We all have ideas that sound great but few of them work. Therefore solution evaluation and iteration are integral parts of the process. We empower teams to identify the best solutions and then hold them accountable for outcomes.

Feature comparison


Effective products with empowered autonomous teams


Technical Debt

Technical debt can make software delivery unsustainable unless it is continuously paid down.

Teams own code and are responsible for maintaining its quality.
Continuous Improvement

There are always improvements that can be made. How do we ensure that teams are always improving?

Teams have a clear vision of what good looks like. Zero blockers from idea to software.
Burnout Prevention

Team motivation is critical for ensuring that momentum is maintained.

Giving people autonomy over the way they solve problems reduces burnout.


A lean method of managing and improving work emphasizing continuous delivery.


Technical Debt

Technical debt can make software delivery unsustainable unless it is continuously paid down.

PO can prioritise technical debt reduction stories.
Continuous Improvement

There are always improvements that can be made. How do we ensure that teams are always improving?

Limited work-in-progress identifies bottlenecks to be reduced.
Burnout Prevention

Team motivation is critical for ensuring that momentum is maintained.

Promotes a sustainable pace to avoid overloading teams.

Core Differences


Technical Debt

Technical debt can make software delivery unsustainable unless it is continuously paid down.

Ownership of code and maintenance
no explicit guidance.
Continuous Improvement

There are always improvements that can be made. How do we ensure that teams are always improving?

Teams decide on improvements
managers decide on improvements.
Burnout Prevention

Team motivation is critical for ensuring that momentum is maintained.

Tackle the cause of burnout
tackle the symptoms of burnout.

Shared code is subject to the tragedy of the commons. Each team has a tight deadline so they need to cut corners at the end. While Kanban advocates identifying bottlenecks, of which technical debt may be one, it is very hard to improve the code base when other teams are increasing the debt in the shared code base. That is why in ZeroBlockers each team owns their own code. They are responsible for ensuring the health of their code so they can work sustainably.

Kanban advocates for identifying and removing bottlenecks but the challenge is that you rarely remove complexity, you are usually transferring it elsewhere. To remove a bottleneck another function normally needs to change how they work. This can be challenging unless the team is cross-functional.

ZeroBlockers also wants to remove bottlenecks with a vision of having zero blockers in the flow of work. By advocating for cross-functional teams ZeroBlockers can more easily implement the necessary changes to improve the flow of work.

Burnout isn't caused by challenging targets or high workloads. It is caused by being held to targets that you can't control such as an unrealistic deadline that was imposed on you. By giving teams autonomy over the way they achieve the product goals you are putting them in control. We can still set challenging stretch targets but, once teams can control how they achieve the targets, this can energise rather than cause burnout.

ZeroBlockers vs Kanban: Team & Events

Feature comparison


Effective products with empowered autonomous teams

Team Level


The roles involved in creating the products.

UX Researcher
Business SMEs as needed

The key activities that teams perform while building the product.

Customer Interviews
Solution Evaluation
User Story Mapping


Weekly Business Review


A lean method of managing and improving work emphasizing continuous delivery.

Team Level


The roles involved in creating the products.

Product Owner
Development Team

The key activities that teams perform while building the product.

Daily Standup


Core Differences

Team Level


The roles involved in creating the products.

Skills to identify, evaluate and build solutions
skills to build solutions.

The key activities that teams perform while building the product.

Researching, validating and building solutions
building features

Kanban doesn't explicitly define any team members or events but teams often evolve from Scrum to Kanban so they keep similar structures, at least initially.

The core difference between the frameworks is that Kanban focuses on the delivery of the solution while ZeroBlockers starts earlier in the process, focusing on the discovery to identify the best opportunities, design to evaluate solutions and then the delivery of the solution. This means that in ZeroBlockers we have skills and events dedicated to the discovery and design phases.

ZeroBlockers vs Kanban: Implementation

Feature comparison


Effective products with empowered autonomous teams


Buy In

The people you need committed to ensure a successful roll-out.

Considerable changes are required across the business so buy-in is required at a senior level in IT, marketing, customer service and more.

The training and certification required for a successful implementation.

ZeroBlockers provides a range of training and certifications for each role.
Community & Support

The support available for implementing the framework.

Large and growing community with documentation and resources.


A lean method of managing and improving work emphasizing continuous delivery.


Buy In

The people you need committed to ensure a successful roll-out.

Minimal changes are required within the IT department.

The training and certification required for a successful implementation.

A number of suppliers provide Kanban training and certifications.
Community & Support

The support available for implementing the framework.

There is a large and active Kanban community.

Core Differences


Buy In

The people you need committed to ensure a successful roll-out.

Whole business buy-in
IT buy-in

The training and certification required for a successful implementation.

Similar between frameworks
Community & Support

The support available for implementing the framework.

Kanban has a larger community

The Kanban framework has an advantage in implementation because it is more established, requires less changes and has more support.

ZeroBlockers involves changes across the business - because software is integral to our products today - not something just tacked on. This means you need more buy-in to get started. But you can start small - one product, one value stream. With over 10 years of UXDX content and case studies, there is also a large body of resources to assist in the rollout of the framework. It might be tougher to implement but it will deliver better outcomes.

3 advantages of ZeroBlockers over Kanban


More effective products: Giving teams autonomy over the solutions they build means they can evaluate alternatives and pivot based on real customer feedback.


Quicker software delivery: Separating teams into independent value streams removes code dependencies and other blockers which lets them deliver faster.


Accountable teams: By giving teams solution autonomy and code independence, they are able to innovate on better products and be accountable for the outcomes.

Compare ZeroBlockers with other product development frameworks


An agile project management framework focused on individual teams.



A linear and sequential approach to software development.


Extreme Programming (XP)

A software development framework that focuses on quality and speed.


ZeroBlockers Docs

Teams, processes, practices, artifacts and more...

We're busy putting the final touches on our ZeroBlockers guide. The guide will provide a comprehensive overview to the ZeroBlockers framework, including detailed descriptions of the key processes, practices and artifacts produced by each of the five core ZeroBlockers team types.

Subscribe for updates on when the guide will be available (we're targeting the end of July.)

ZeroBlockers giude screenshot