ComparisonScaling Software Development - ZeroBlockers vs DAD: Which scaling framework is better for you?

There is no one-size-fits-all framework for scaling software development. Each framework overcomes the complexities of scaling in different ways. We have compiled an overview of the key features and approaches of the DAD framework and ZeroBlockers to help you select the best framework for you.

ZeroBlockers vs DAD: Approach


Feature comparison


Scaling with empowered autonomous teams


Controlling complexity

Complexity and dependencies increase as companies scale.

Dependencies and blockers need to be removed as they always slow down delivery.
Reducing Code Conflicts

Code merge conflicts increase as more teams operate on the same code base.

Each Stream team has a completely independent code base so code merge conflicts do not occur.


Toolkit for teams to improve their way of working


Controlling complexity

Complexity and dependencies increase as companies scale.

Toolkit offers multiple options depending on team context.
Reducing Code Conflicts

Code merge conflicts increase as more teams operate on the same code base.

Recommends continuous integration but not prescriptive.

Core Differences


Controlling complexity

Complexity and dependencies increase as companies scale.

Self-service Toolkit versus clear vision of removing blockers to increase flow.
Reducing Code Conflicts

Code merge conflicts increase as more teams operate on the same code base.

Lots of options but no guidance versus clear approach for code separation.

Disciplined Agile Delivery (DAD) is a toolkit that provides a list of activities that teams can choose from to improve their way of working. The challenge is that it is a library and doesn't offer any recommendations on which activities to use. This can lead to analysis paralysis or the selection of inappropriate activities.

The ZeroBlockers framework is an opinionated way of working. The approach stems from the belief that you cannot manage dependencies. The overhead involved continually increases and the teams end up being blocked anyway. The blocking dependencies must be removed to improve efficiency. In particular code must be separated to avoid merge conflicts and the associated delays.

Feature comparison


Scaling with empowered autonomous teams


Solution Autonomy

Layers of sign off for solutions prevent teams from iterating quickly based on customer feedback.

Teams decide on what features to build based on customer research and business objectives.
Solution Validation

Most features fail to deliver the expected business outcomes. How can teams adapt as they deliver?

Teams identify the assumptions behind their solutions and devise experiments to validate them before committing to building the feature.

What are the key KPIs that teams are measured on?

Accountable for outcomes: The achievement of the Product Objectives.


Toolkit for teams to improve their way of working


Solution Autonomy

Layers of sign off for solutions prevent teams from iterating quickly based on customer feedback.

5 of 6 ways of working have solutions are decided at a Product level. The 6th lets teams uncover solutions.
Solution Validation

Most features fail to deliver the expected business outcomes. How can teams adapt as they deliver?

Focuses on stakeholder acceptance rather than customer demand.

What are the key KPIs that teams are measured on?

Accountable for outputs. The delivery of the committed PI Objectives.

Core Differences


Solution Autonomy

Layers of sign off for solutions prevent teams from iterating quickly based on customer feedback.

Lots of options but no guidance versus empowering teams to decide on solutions.
Solution Validation

Most features fail to deliver the expected business outcomes. How can teams adapt as they deliver?

Origins in Project Management therefore assumes scope is set before work starts versus solutions need to be validated and evolved.

What are the key KPIs that teams are measured on?

Measuring outputs (work done) plus customer satisfaction versus measuring product outcomes (impact of work).

DAD is published by the Project Management Institute so its background is based on project management principles, including the idea that a project has a fixed scope. There are no activities in the DAD library around validating the customer demand or interest in an idea. It is focused on delivery.

ZeroBlockers believes that you cannot know how customers will react to new features until they have them in their hands. It is not fair to ask a business person to specify the outcome of a feature because we don't know. We all have ideas that sound great but few of them work. Therefore solution evaluation and iteration are integral parts of the process. The core metric is whether customers change their behaviour as a result of the feature.

Feature comparison


Scaling with empowered autonomous teams


Technical Debt

Technical debt can make software delivery unsustainable unless it is continuously paid down.

Teams own code and are responsible for maintaining its quality.
Continuous Improvement

There are always improvements that can be made. How do we ensure that teams are always improving?

Teams have a clear vision of what good looks like. Zero blockers from idea to software.
Burnout Prevention

Team motivation is critical for ensuring that momentum is maintained.

Giving people autonomy over the way they solve problems reduces burnout.


Toolkit for teams to improve their way of working


Technical Debt

Technical debt can make software delivery unsustainable unless it is continuously paid down.

There is an Improve Quality goal. PO can work with the Architecture Owner to prioritise technical debt reduction stories.
Continuous Improvement

There are always improvements that can be made. How do we ensure that teams are always improving?

There is a continuous improvement process blade.
Burnout Prevention

Team motivation is critical for ensuring that momentum is maintained.

Introduce slack and reduce overly optimistic goals.

Core Differences


Technical Debt

Technical debt can make software delivery unsustainable unless it is continuously paid down.

Periodic improvement of shared code versus continuous maintenance of owned code.
Continuous Improvement

There are always improvements that can be made. How do we ensure that teams are always improving?

Toolkit of options for improvement versus vision guided improvement.
Burnout Prevention

Team motivation is critical for ensuring that momentum is maintained.

Tackle symptoms of burnout versus tackle the cause of burnout.

Shared code is subject to the tragedy of the commons. Each team has a tight deadline so they need to cut corners at the end. While DAD advocates adding technical debt reduction items to the backlog based on PO and Architecture Owner prioritisation it is difficult to fix all of the issues given the incentive to produce debt in every release. That is why in ZeroBlockers each team owns their own code. They are responsible for ensuring the health of their code so they can work sustainably.

There are a million ways we can change how we work but not all of them are improvements. This can lead to battles of opinions unless there is a clear vision. DAD gives a range of options for improvement but doesn't provide a vision that will help teams decide what improvements to make. ZeroBlockers has a vision of having zero blockers in the flow of work so teams now have a target to aim towards and something to use to compare alternative options for improvement. You'd be surprised how much time this saves.

Burnout isn't caused by challenging targets. It is caused by being held to targets that you can't control such as an unrealistic deadline that was imposed on you. By giving teams autonomy over the way they achieve the product goals you are putting them in control. We can still set challenging stretch targets but, once teams can control how they achieve the targets, this can energise rather than cause burnout.

ZeroBlockers vs DAD: Team

How much of the solution is the DAD team responsible for?

  • Research

    Generative research to uncover customer problems.

  • Ideation

    Generating multiple solutions for each customer opportunity.

  • Design

    Prototyping solutions and iterating on feedback.

  • Delivery

    Building the solution iteratively and releasing the working software.

Feature comparison


Scaling with empowered autonomous teams

Team Level


The roles involved in creating the products.

UX Researcher
Business SMEs as needed

The key activities that teams perform while building the product.

Customer Interviews
Solution Evaluation
User Story Mapping


Weekly Business Review


Toolkit for teams to improve their way of working

Team Level


The roles involved in creating the products.

Product Owner
Team Lead/Scrum Master
Architecture Owner
Team Members

The key activities that teams perform while building the product.

Toolkit of options depending on your needs and context.

Core Differences

Team Level


The roles involved in creating the products.

Toolkit of options versus specific roles for discovery, design and delivery

The key activities that teams perform while building the product.

Toolkit of options versus specific events for researching, validating and building solutions

DAD follows a similar approach to Scrum at the team level with a PO defining what is to be built and the team building it. There is an Architecture Owner role as well to ensure good architecture.

The ZeroBlockers approach is that we don't know exactly what customers want so the team needs to uncover the best solutions to build. This means that the team needs to do research, ideate on potential solutions, evaluate them using experiments and then build the winning ideas iteratively so the team can continue to improve the solution over time. Architecture is emergent rather than prescribed because the solution that we initially think of will likely be wrong.

ZeroBlockers vs DAD: Product/Program Level

Feature comparison


Scaling with empowered autonomous teams

Product/Program Level


The name the framework gives to the team grouping level.

Product Team

The roles involved in organising multiple teams.

Product Lead

Technical Functional Leads
(Research, Design, Dev)

Business Functional Leads
(Marketing, Operations, Customer Service)

The key activities that teams perform while organising multiple teams.

Weekly Business Review(s)
Product Review


Ad hoc
Event Storming

Quarterly Goal Meetings
Quarterly Strategic Reviews


Toolkit for teams to improve their way of working

Product/Program Level


The name the framework gives to the team grouping level.


The roles involved in organising multiple teams.

Toolkit of processes and activities rather than a descriptive list of roles.

The key activities that teams perform while organising multiple teams.

Toolkit of options depending on your needs and context.

Core Differences

Product/Program Level


The name the framework gives to the team grouping level.


The roles involved in organising multiple teams.

Toolkit of options versus business managers validating business outcomes

The key activities that teams perform while organising multiple teams.

Toolkit of options versus events to provide direction to teams and monitor business outcomes

DAD is flexible in terms of how teams manage to scale projects/products. The roles and their way of working are to be decided based on the company and context. This means that there is no clear guidance on how to staff teams or what activities to perform.

The ZeroBlockers view is scaling product teams is complicated and leaving it up to each company is inviting a re-invention of the wheel with unnecessary wasted time and effort. Product Teams need to provide direction for Stream Teams and enable them to operate autonomously.

ZeroBlockers vs DAD: Portfolio

Feature comparison


Scaling with empowered autonomous teams

Portfolio Level


The name the framework gives to the portfolio level.

Product / Ecosystem Team

The roles involved in managing a portfolio.

Product (VP+)
Design (VP+)
Marketing (VP+)
Technology (VP+)
Operations (VP+)
Customer Service (VP+)

The key activities that teams perform while managing a portfolio.

Weekly Business Review(s)


Ad hoc
Product Funding

Quarterly Goal Meetings
Quarterly Strategic Reviews


Toolkit for teams to improve their way of working

Portfolio Level


The name the framework gives to the portfolio level.


The roles involved in managing a portfolio.

Toolkit of processes and activities rather than a descriptive list of roles.

The key activities that teams perform while managing a portfolio.

Toolkit of options depending on your needs and context.

Core Differences

Portfolio Level


The name the framework gives to the portfolio level.


The roles involved in managing a portfolio.

Toolkit of options versus business leaders validating business outcomes

The key activities that teams perform while managing a portfolio.

Toolkit of options versus events to provide direction to teams and monitor business outcomes

Again, scaling is complicated and leaving it up to each company is inviting wasted time and effort. ZeroBlockers provides a clear way to scale by either scaling Products or introducing Ecosystem teams to enable scaling up to enterprise levels.

ZeroBlockers vs DAD: Implementation

Feature comparison


Scaling with empowered autonomous teams


Buy In

The people you need committed to ensure a successful roll-out.

Considerable changes are required across the business so buy-in is required at a senior level in IT, marketing, customer service and more.

The training and certification required for a successful implementation.

ZeroBlockers provides a range of training and certifications for each role.
Community & Support

The support available for implementing the framework.

Large and growing community with documentation and resources.


Toolkit for teams to improve their way of working


Buy In

The people you need committed to ensure a successful roll-out.

Considerable changes are required across the business so buy-in is required at a senior level in IT, marketing, customer service and more.

The training and certification required for a successful implementation.

DAD provides a range of training and certifications for each role.
Community & Support

The support available for implementing the framework.

There is a large and active Project Management Institute community with industry tools and resources.

Core Differences


Buy In

The people you need committed to ensure a successful roll-out.

No clear approach to buy-in to versus clear process to confirm buy-in

The training and certification required for a successful implementation.

Similar between frameworks
Community & Support

The support available for implementing the framework.

Similar between frameworks

DAD is a toolkit rather than a framework. It may appear that it is easier to adopt as you could adopt individual practices but everything in our current way of working is connected. Changing one thing impacts on others. That is why change is so hard. By not being prescriptive, DAD is leaving the hard work of trying to figure out the interdependencies up to the people adopting it.

ZeroBlockers involves changes across the business - because software is integral to our products today - not something just tacked on. This means you need more buy-in to get started. But you can start small - one product, one value stream. And all of the interconnected challenges have already been worked out. With over 10 years of UXDX content and case studies, there is also a large body of resources to assist in the rollout of the framework. It might be tougher to implement but it will deliver better outcomes.

3 advantages of ZeroBlockers over DAD


More effective products: Giving teams autonomy over the solutions they build means they can evaluate alternatives and pivot based on real customer feedback.


Quicker software delivery: Adding layers of management just slows down delivery. Removing blockers frees teams up to deliver quicker.


Accountable teams: By giving teams solution autonomy and code independence, they are able to innovate on better products and be accountable for the outcomes.

Compare ZeroBlockers with other scaling frameworks


Integrating lean and agile principles into a structured and modular approach for large-scale, complex software development projects.


LeSS Huge

LeSS Huge builds on Scrum, focusing on coordinating multiple teams while maintaining simplicity and lean principles.



Building on Scrum, Nexus+ integrates additional teams and roles to manage dependencies and coordination in larger scaled Scrum environments.



Scrum@Scale is a framework that replicates the Scrum model as the organisation scales via Scrum of Scrums and Chief Product Owners.


Spotify Model

Instead of Scrum, the model focuses on autonomous, cross-functional teams (squads), with a strong emphasis on culture and networked structure, rather than formal hierarchical control.


ZeroBlockers Docs

Teams, processes, practices, artifacts and more...

We're busy putting the final touches on our ZeroBlockers guide. The guide will provide a comprehensive overview to the ZeroBlockers framework, including detailed descriptions of the key processes, practices and artifacts produced by each of the five core ZeroBlockers team types.

Subscribe for updates on when the guide will be available (we're targeting the end of July.)

ZeroBlockers giude screenshot